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Shannon & Ryan - Winter Canfield Casino Wedding


Those were my “go” words the first day I met Shannon and Ryan. This Bostonian couple wanted to have a perfect wedding and it was my lucky day when I met them.  Shannon loves mercury glass and vintage glamor, and she was thrilled to be getting married in November, when the sun sets early and candlelight gives off the kind of romantic glow that makes a room perfect.


Shannon had provided me with stunning broaches and bits of shimmer, for her bouquet that came from her grandmothers’ collections. I love using family pieces because even though her grandmothers could not be with her on her wedding day, they were part of the magic that made this wedding perfect.

Mercury glass, of course! She loved it and I spent the year following our first meeting collecting it. Shannon had the idea of using mirrored trays on the table to create the shine, not as easy as you would think to find but I made sure we found them. The sheen came from a combination of our charcoal bamboo linen, and pewter pearl full length cloths that we mixed throughout the room.  We kept everything low so all of the design would be part of the conversation and mood in the room.  I was so pleased when Ryan and Shannon entered the room to see their wedding. They loved it, as you will see when you watch the video from Nashville’s Zane Hauck below.



Shannon and Ryan, for letting me be a part of your day. The staff of the Canfield Casino in Saratoga Springs. Matt Ramos for the awesome pics and for being awesome to work with on a wedding day. Paul Malo for getting the crowd’s groove on! Angela Proffitt for helping me set this event up. Zane Hauck for making the video attached. John from Classe Catering for being great to work with. And of course Alayne and the glam squad from Make Me Fabulous.

Congratulations Mr.& Mrs. O’Toole!

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