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Jill & Brian - Late July

Jill actually booked me over the phone almost one year ago. She knows design, and man did she show it! Jill wanted a swank wedding that would have a preppy yet hip flair to it. Brian is a cool guy who loves the Rat Pack and all things with a “Swing” flavor. The vintage box that carried their rings was found by the couple. Jill spent hours finding the right ribbon for some of the personal flowers and tons of other details. This wedding was loaded with cool little treats for the eye. I tried to get all I could with my lens and look forward to the release of the real pics by Tracey Buyce and her hip-shooter Nikon Dan.

Special thanks to Christine Wheat and all five of her assistants for the day, to Tracey Buyce for being archive collector, and to Dawn Bennett from the Sagamore who was a honest pleasure to hang with for the four hours of set up. Not to mention my crew of Clifton Park Rental who always make a room perfect, and my team who always helps to make me look good.

For even more images from one of my favorite Photographers Check out Tracey’s Blog

Jill and Brian, Congratulations! I have never had such a wild ride to get to the alter with another couple. You two ROCK!

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